Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I tried to get this in yesterday, but damn I cooked myself. I threw a leg over the bike at 5:30 and it was still 92 degrees with between ten and twelve thousand percent humidity, madness. Also, when I was getting ready, I could tell my stomach was a bit on the unsettled side of life, but I rolled the dice and went out for a two and a half hour out and back. I was almost at the turn around and things were starting to turn over in the gut. I was a little nervous, but knew I would be okay. I spotted a guy up ahead, his legs spinning like crazy, sans shirt, on a T-Mobile replica from a few years back, it took a little while, but I gradually overtook him, riding on the brake hoods. For some reason he saw this as an invitation to race. People, if you are passed on a random Monday ride, when it is raging hot, it does not necessarily mean game on!
Anyway, I eventually made it home, but what a wreck. I ended up puking the dinner salad up with some nasty light headedness and room spinning. I always enjoy heading out in the heat and torturing the crap out of myself, but yesterday I do believe I went overboard. I am still feeling it today, which is not good.
Oh, Hell's Kitchen, that could be the funniest show on tv.


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