Sunday, August 07, 2005

Still tired

I am not sure if something is really wrong with me or I am just overthinking it, after all I can think myself into whatever the illness of the week may be. I did go to David Gray on Friday at a small venue on Broad Street, the Wilma Theater. Needless to say I am already recommending his upcoming album. I think he may have played the whole thing, quite the showman. Saturday morning, went for a mountain bike ride with one of my friends from NEPA. I still contest that Fairmont Park has some of the better riding going, fast, nothing out of control anywhere, just fun stuff. You have to watch out for hikers and the occasional horse dropping shit on the trail. After that I hung out, got my nap on, see I am not a nap person but I have just been shot for the past two weeks and will take a half hour anywhere I can get it. I was thinking about wandering down to main street to put in a little bar session but that did not happen so I ended up asleep at 9. I was up at six and watched "The Machinest." If you were a fan of Momento, but just could not figure it out, check out this movie, for nothing else than seeing Christian Bale weighing an emaciated 120 pounds or so, damn!! If I can weigh that much and keep the legs I have now, my power to weight ratio may actually begin to look close to respectable. I also did a nice fifty miles on the road today. I have been thinking moutain, road, mountain, wing night. We'll see how that goes. Once again, the sleepy came through, on the stinking ride for fuck sake!! I could have laid down and taken a nap when I was about fifteen minutes from my place. Who knows. When I got back, I found out that myneighbor is moving out. She has lived in her place for less than four months. Ahh, go figure, people have the right to change their minds.


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